DARPA Tactical Expandable Marine Platform (TEMP)

Project Overview
This project is the 1/12th scale of DARPA's Temporary Expandable Marine Platform project. We created a fleet of 0.5 m long modular robotic boats with onboard thrusters, active connectors, and embedded computers can autonomously dock together and form connected structures with controllable variable stiffness. These structures can self-reconfigure into arbitrary shapes.
My Role
Prototyping and Design
To prevent damage to each of the boat modules, I created a water detection sensor which alerted the user to a water leak inside the boat.
Testing and Validation
I was in charge of validating each of the electronic subsystems on board each boat. Including embedded linux computer, logic translation boards, motor drivers, LED drivers, and water leak sensors. Additionally, I revised the EAGLE CAD for the translation boards and embedded linux computer break out boards.
Key Skills
Eagle PCB, Unix, ROS , Analog Circuit Design